Programme > Workshops

MCD2016 invites scientists from various backgrounds to share their work
(theoretical, numerical or experimental)

4 international workshops (2h15 long) have been planned during MCD2016 to encourage the discussions on MCD research progress in the field of pavement but not only. Typically, 4-5 presentations maximum per workshop have helped to do so.

Bombardier EF     Tramway Nantes       Smart-Roads

W1: "Theoretical and numerical modeling of interface debonding for various materials"
Chair: Nicolas Moës, GEM/Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France)
Speakers: Gianmarco De Felice from the Università Degli Studi Roma Tre(Italy), Armando Duarte from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (USA) W1-MCD2016-Duarte, Thierry Massart from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB, Belgium)

W2: "New approaches to address pavement failure more realistically in asphaltic pavement design methods"
Co-chairs: Jorge Soares, Universidade Federal do Ceara (Fortaleza, Brazil) W2-MCD2016-Soares and Michael Wistuba, TU Braunschweig (Germany) W2-MCD2016-Wistuba
Speakers: Luis Guillermo Loría Salazar (Costa Rica) W2-MCD2016-Salazar, Laurent Porot from Arizona Chemical (The Netherlands) W2-MCD2016-Porot

W3: "Roads of the future : towards durable and multi-functional infrastructures"
Co-chairs: Nicolas Hautière W3-MCD2016-Introduction and Pierre Hornych, Ifsttar (France)
Speakers: Bill Buttlar from the University of Urbana-champaign (USA)W3-MCD2016-Buttlar, Karim Chatti and Nizar Lajnef from Michigan State University (USA)W3-MCD2016-Chatti, Bérengère Lebental from Ifsttar (France)W3-MCD2016-Lebental, Sergio Pérez from Bombardier (Germany)W3-MCD2016-Perez

W4: "Recent progress in Digital Image Correlation : towards integrated identification ?"
Co-chairs: Marc François, GEM/Université de Nantes (France) W4-MCD2016-Introduction and Gabriele Tebaldi, University of Parma (Italy) - University of Florida (USA)
Speakers: Moisés Bueno from EMPA (Switzerland) W4-MCD2016-Bueno, Prof. Roberto Fedele from Politecnico de Milano (Italy) W4-MCD2016-Fedele, Emin Kutay from Michigan State University (USA), Julien Réthoré from the LaMCoS (INSA de Lyon, France) W4-MCD2016-Rethore

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